Construct Development, Scale Criterion, & Process Analysis

Part I:

Construct Development and Scale Criterion; Construct Measured: Self-Confidence

The chosen construct, self-confidence, is defined in the article of Self-Confidence in Human Factors Research as “extent to which human factors is satisfied with its beliefs and assumptions about how it knows what it knows” (Dekker, Nyce, Winsen,  & Henriqson, 2010, p.27).  Self-confidence is one’s ability to evaluate his or her social abilities, how one thinks independently, and how one can rely on themselves. Conflict resolution is done internally with self-confidence and it processes self-esteem and helps individuals make decisions based on their self-efficacy (Kohn, 1994).

Five Items Used to Sample the Domain:

The survey and scaling method for self-confidence will be conducted as a survey in which it measures one’s ability to understand regarding their level of self-confidence and their knowledge of his or her confidence. The survey will also look at one’s ability to work autonomously and how their comfort level is with their preferred style of working individualistically. In order to determine if this test would be interview or self-report based, the issue needs to be investigated and make an objective assessment based on the investigation. This is a self-report instrument. The five items are designed to be a survey to show one’s self-confidence and how he or she works independently.

The five items that will be sampling the domain will be the following outlined questions:

1.)    When dealing with a problem in your life, what do you tend to do?

  1. Blame others, it is rarely my fault
  2. Complain and vent, but do not address that I am at error
  3. Take responsibility and follow through

2.)    I prefer to work individually versus in a group project so I can work out the details and final edits on my own.

  1. Yes
  2. No

3.)    If my wants and needs are different than others, I am more likely to:

  1. Argue until I get my way
  2. Accommodate, give up or give in
  3. Create a win-win situation for all sides
  4. Avoid conflict at all costs

4.)    I am comfortable coming up with a strategy on my own to solve problems before going to others for help.

  1. Yes
  2. No

5.)    People give me positive feedback on my work and achievements versus a team or group’s feedback altogether.

  1. Often
  2. Sometimes
  3. Rare
  4. Never


Dekker, S. W., Nyce, J. M., Winsen, R. V., & Henriqson, E. (March 20th 2010). Epistemological Self-Confidence in Human. Journal of Cognitive Engineering and Decision Making, 4(1), 27-38. doi:10.1518/155534310X495573

Kohn, A. (1994). The Truth About Self Esteem. Phi Delta Kappan, 76(4), 272-283.